Divine Counsel: Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj's Advice for Seekers

I work so hard for your spiritual upliftment, but you neutralise all my effort by engaging in namaparadha. I keep observing your spiritual transgressions but have stopped checking on you. I console myself thinking that at least you are doing something and are still on the spiritual path. If I were to point out your mistakes, you might leave the satsang altogether. So I instead keep forgiving you, hoping that you will one day realise your mistakes and correct yourselves. The degree to which I forgive you is impossible for anyone else. I often think of renouncing you, but my merciful nature stops me from doing so.” I am always there to help you! Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj The words of a true master resound with wisdom and compassion in spiritual guidance, paving the way for seekers on their path to divine realisation. Many souls found light in the guidance of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj , whose teachings have endured the test of time. Let us explore Jagadguru Shri Krip...