Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj Give A Reflection On The Duty of the Individual Soul


The role and responsibility of the individual soul in the intricate tapestry of existence have been thoroughly enlightened by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj. His teachings state that the primary goal and duty of every living being is to serve its supreme master, Shri Krishna. This service is not only a duty but an inherent nature and birthright of the soul as it resonates through the words of every living being.

The essence of true worship :- To understand the essence of true worship, one must understand the fundamental difference between worship as desired by Shri Krishna and worship as desired by Himself. Religion as truth is one’s actions in accordance with the desires of Shri Krishna, the Supreme Guru. Any action based on desire even if it appears noble deviates from the path of true worship and caters to the nature of selfishness As Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj expresses, the individual soul must firmly resolve that he will worship Shri Krishna, and this worship can only be in accordance with His divine will.

Our natural right and essential nature :- All individual souls are naturally devotees of Shri Krishna. This enslavement is not forced but is the essence of the soul’s existence, as the parts of the tree serve the tree Consider the leaves of a tree: they absorb sunlight and carbon dioxide, thus performing the vital function of sustaining the whole tree stay there. Similarly, the individual soul is naturally engaged in the service of its master, Shri Krishna. This is not only a duty but an essential nature of the soul and birthright.

The purpose and duty of the whole soul :- Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj affirms that the purpose of every soul is to attain the state of pure, selfless devotion to Shri Krishna. This goal transcends short-term material pursuits and is the highest aspiration to hold. In the service of Krishna, the soul attains true satisfaction and realizes its supreme power. This service leads the soul to spiritual enlightenment and eternal happiness through an appropriate merger of duty and purpose.

Living the teachings of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj :- To internalize this teaching, one must have deep and unwavering devotion to Shri Krishna. This includes always thinking of His will, acting in harmony with His will, and giving up personal ego and desires. By doing this, the soul can establish a direct and close connection with Krishna and be able to transcend the illusions of the earthly world.

Conclusion :- We discover an open call to return to our actual nature as Shri Krishna devotees in the knowledge of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj. This duty is a means to eternal peace, enjoyment, and fulfilment rather than a burden. As we strive to align our lives with Shri Krishna’s divine will, we fulfill our essential nature and embrace our deeper life purpose. Through this selfless service, we not only glorify Shri Krishna but also realize the true power and bliss of our souls.


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