Do Not Nurture Overconfidence: A Lesson from Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj


Never nurture the self-pride that you understand everything, and that no stimulus will impact negatively on you. Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, in his infinite wisdom, cautions us against the belief that we are immune to negative influences. Even the great yogis, with their profound spiritual accomplishments, have faced challenges in this regard. Therefore, it is essential for us, who are at the beginning stages of our spiritual development, to remain vigilant and humble.

The Dangers of Overconfidence :- Consider this analogy: In the darkness, a person sees a rope lying on the ground. It might be a snake. It is best to avoid stepping on it. One might argue, "What is the need for being careful? It is just a piece of rope." However, how does it hurt to be cautious? If it were indeed a snake, stepping on it would provoke it to bite. Similarly, we must guard against the assumption that no stimulus can negatively impact us. Overconfidence can lead us astray, exposing us to spiritual and emotional harm.

The Example of Elevated Yogis :- History and scriptures are replete with stories of elevated yogis who fell from grace due to wrong associations. If such spiritually advanced individuals can be affected, on what basis can we, in our nascent spiritual stages, claim immunity? Negative influences often present themselves as harmless or even sweetly palatable at first, but they insidiously corrupt the mind and heart over time.

The Importance of Vigilance :- Imagine you are crossing the Ganges by boat. You are only ten steps away from the shore, but danger still lurks. Jumping into the water prematurely, assuming safety, can lead to peril. Similarly, in our spiritual journey, we must remain vigilant and cautious, regardless of how close we feel to our spiritual goals.

The Consequence of Wrong Association :- Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj emphasizes the severity of falling into the wrong association, comparing it to the agony of burning in a smouldering fire. Anything that does not nurture love for God is considered "ku" or wrong. Conversations and associations that do not stir our hearts to increase our love for God should be avoided. One might argue that casual talk or seemingly harmless interactions are not harmful. However, such interactions can gradually corrupt our minds, leading us away from our spiritual path.

The Power of Sadhana :- We have only one mind, and it is crucial to engage it in sadhana (spiritual practice) to purify it. Avoiding associations that contaminate our mind is vital for our spiritual growth. As Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj teaches, engaging in sadhana and staying away from negative influences ensures that our mind remains focused on God and spiritual growth.


In the words of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj:

भले अग्नि ज्वाला में तन को जला दे, मिले जो कुसंग तो ब्रह्मलोक ना दे। (Yugal Madhuri 51)

"I would rather burn in a blazing fire, rejecting the pleasures of Brahmaloka, than staying in kusang."

Let us heed this profound wisdom and remain vigilant in our spiritual journey. Avoiding overconfidence and wrong associations, we can nurture our love for God and progress on the path of sadhana.


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